Customer Experience

CelPlan’s Wireless Enhancement Solutions offer a comprehensive approach to improving customer experience, increasing network capacity, and reducing both capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX/OPEX). The company has developed a unique suite of tools specifically designed to optimize 4G and 5G networks, addressing the complex challenges inherent in modern telecommunications infrastructure.

CelPlan’s Wireless Enhancement Solutions offer a comprehensive approach to improving customer experience, increasing network capacity, and reducing both capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX/OPEX). The company has developed a unique suite of tools specifically designed to optimize 4G and 5G networks, addressing the complex challenges inherent in modern telecommunications infrastructure.

In today’s networks, data traffic dynamically adjusts to available capacity, directly impacting customer satisfaction. Traditional network Operations Support Systems (OSS) and existing tools often fall short in accurately evaluating customer satisfaction metrics. Moreover, while 4G and 5G networks incorporate self-healing mechanisms against noise and interference through adaptive modulation schemes, these features can inadvertently reduce network capacity and exacerbate interference issues, potentially triggering an “interference avalanche” effect. Conventional network measurements struggle to identify the root cause of such cascading issues, often resulting in ineffective, random network fixes that incur substantial operational expenses without yielding tangible improvements.

Current industry practices for capacity expansion are often inefficient, with an estimated 60% of newly deployed sites proving ineffective or even counterproductive, leading to significant waste of capital expenditure. To address these challenges, CelPlan offers two innovative solutions:


This predictive tool analyzes the evolution of customer experience in relation to traffic patterns. It precisely identifies network bottlenecks as traffic increases, enabling optimal placement of expansion sites.

CellExperience can pinpoint various types of network constraints, including site-specific issues, backhaul limitations, and Internet Service Provider (ISP) bottlenecks. Case studies conducted by CelPlan demonstrate that CellExperience can significantly reduce ineffective deployments, potentially eliminating up to 80% of unnecessary cell site installations, thereby optimizing CAPEX allocation.


This crowd-sourcing solution directly measures customer experience from user devices across various applications. The CellPhone app collects and analyzes data on connectivity, user satisfaction, goodput (effective throughput), and session ratings through user surveys.

This information is then geographically mapped and time-stamped, providing a comprehensive view of network performance and user experience throughout the day. The data gathered by CellPhone can be used to further refine and improve CellExperience predictions, creating a powerful feedback loop for continuous network optimization.

By leveraging these advanced tools, network operators can gain unprecedented insights into real-world performance, accurately identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions for network enhancements. This approach not only improves overall customer satisfaction but also ensures more efficient allocation of resources, ultimately leading to optimized network performance and reduced operational costs.

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