Smart Water

Water utilities face a complex array of operational challenges, including managing growing demand, addressing rising energy costs, maintaining aging infrastructure, improving efficiency and sustainability, and navigating uncertain water supply outlooks. Traditional management tools and current policies often prove inadequate in addressing these multifaceted issues.

The maturation of data-driven solutions, coupled with rapid advancements in telecommunication technologies and networks, now enables increased instrumentation and telemetry of water networks, particularly in distribution systems. This technological progress allows water utilities to integrate smart devices such as pumps, pipes, sensors, and valves into their networks.

An effective smart water network should be structured in layers, utilizing data from communicating technologies to support water sources, production, transmission, distribution, and consumer needs. Each layer should be underpinned by a robust telecommunication and IT infrastructure to ensure rapid, reliable, and secure information flow.

Smart devices may encompass a range of technologies from sensors to remote control systems, each with varying requirements for reliability and security. A comprehensive smart water network must adequately address these diverse needs to prevent future device management issues.

Current technologies and systems available for smart water networks include:

  • Supervisory systems
  • Advanced metering (AMR/AMI)
  • Sensors
  • Flow and pressure meters
  • Data loggers
  • Utility dashboards
  • Asset management (including GIS and schematic tools)
  • Workforce tools
  • Alert systems
  • Analytics

Water utility companies should adopt a holistic approach when selecting communication technologies, considering factors such as:

  • Scalability of the technology
  • Latency considerations
  • Coverage capabilities
  • Use of licensed spectrum
  • Proprietary versus standardized solutions

CelPlan has conducted this type of analysis for numerous utilities and can propose tailored solutions to support network optimization efforts while reducing both capital and operational expenditures.

The dimensioning of such networks requires multiple layers of information, including:

  • Geolocation of devices to be monitored and controlled
  • Characterization of each device’s communication needs (throughput demand, latency, and protocols)
  • Infrastructure technology sharing availability and agreements
  • Spectrum and technology choices

Decisions made today will need to serve the industry through a critical period of change, adapting to numerous technological and behavioral shifts on the horizon, from increased data availability to enhanced decision-making capabilities for both consumers and utilities. Selecting a solution incapable of adapting to future needs could prove to be a costly misstep.

CelPlan’s extensive experience and vendor-neutral approach enable us to guide you in choosing the optimal solution tailored to your specific requirements. Our objective is to ensure that the implemented network aligns perfectly with your current operational needs and future organizational goals.

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